Training & Education
Recruiting, training and retraining workers at all levels is a prime concern of the highway construction industry. Attracting the brightest and best in the workforce is critical. AGC continues to develop the resources required to meet these workforce challenges for its members at all levels of the construction business.

AGC Iowa Craft Training
AGC offers members a state-of-the-art craft training curriculum. In addition to a full schedule of "public" courses, covering virtually every member specialty, customized in-house training services are also offered for any interested contractor on any topic. In-house courses are generally held at your site, using your equipment, exclusively for your employees. Both types of training programs are often eligible for IDOT training fund cost reimbursement with pre-approval from the IDOT.
Highway Industry Training Program (HIT)
Associated General Contractors of Iowa administer a training program called Highway Industry Training (HIT). The Highway Industry Training program will allow you to train employees in an approved Iowa Department of Transportation (IDOT) benchmarked program. This program can be used to meet your IDOT training requirements and also help with company-wide training.

Key Information Regarding the HIT Program
- 75 different construction job classifications represented.
- Three different on-the-job training hour levels including: 520 hours minimum, 1040 standard and 2080 hours maximum.
- 20 hours of required classroom training that will be offered during the winter months, between December and March.
- AGCI will process all registrations, OJT reports, letters and any other information needed to complete the program.
- Initial enrollment fee of $100 for each trainee participating in the program.
- Contractors will also be charged for the classes trainees must attend to complete the 20 hours of classroom time. IDOT highway training funds can be used for all classes with pre-approval but not for the initial and annual registration fees.
- Trainees will be paid at least 60 percent of the prevailing wage rate for the first half (520 hours minimum) of the training period, 75 percent for the third quarter (1040 standard hours) of the training period, and 90 percent for the last quarter (2080 hours maximum) of the training period.
For more information or to receive a detailed information packet and registration form, please contact Becky Bales by phone at 515-283-2424 or email.
AGC of America offers on-line and in-person training for all levels of employees.
Training and Education Aids
AGC offers a comprehensive catalogue of training & education videos. To view a listing of our video library, contact Karyn at the AGC office at (515)283-2424.
AGC of Iowa Training and Education Donor Awards
The AGC Training & Education Donor Awards are presented to those employers and suppliers who donated time, equipment and facilities to our training efforts. There are four types of awards given out. They are:

Donate 10 or more pieces of equipment for classes, and/or donate facilities (hold entire class in facility for 3 or more days) for classes and donate 300 or more hours of time to classes.